BTW, thanks with all of the help with the law. Right now I'm in the trenches on the behavior issue and making sure that he continues to behave well enough to remain in regular ed. I will be better prepared at the next meeting though for the gifted thing. I thought what they were saying sounded unlawful, but I didn't want to fight today as I felt they were being very gracious about the behavior incident yesterday. I was worried when they called the meeting on the second day that they were going to say he absolutely can't do regular ed!

I really couldn't be happier with his actual teacher. And the kids in his class are very nice. We have encountered some really mean kids over the years on playgrounds and in different preschools and camps. Being in the classroom this morning was actually really great. The other children are generally sweet and well behaved. One other boy has a PCA and had a lot of trouble today and spent much of the day in the hall. The classroom is very diverse and interesting to be in. I almost wish I could work there smile Of course, the admin sucks :p