My son has dysgraphia pretty severely. I could really see he was not like the other kids when I volunteered in the classroom as early as pre-K and kindergarten. Really started being obvious to me (and to him) in kindergarten. Teachers kept telling me it was "normal" but I thought it was very obvious when I would go in and volunteer ... yeah, some of the kids wrote a few letters backwards but not to the extent of my son. Very few of the other children seemed to find writing so difficult and arduous. Knowing how bright he was also was a factor... I think the teachers thought he was just average and a slow in some areas (writing). Some thought it was just plain behavioral and oppositional. My son actually was the one who brought it to head for me when he laid down on the floor and said extremely upset, "what is wrong with me?!?! I know what an 'A' looks like and what it is, but I can not get my hand to make one... all of the other kids can do it easily and I can't. I feel like I am much smarter than them - they did not even know what the word 'pollute' means, but they can easily make letters and I can not! Something is really very wrong with me."