Originally Posted by DeeDee
[This can be support from a special ed teacher at the end of the day (let's check your planner and make sure you bring home everything you need)-- but ideally it also requires buy-in from every teacher.

DS has had the requirement that each teacher inspect and sign what's written in his planner at the end of each class, so that he writes down the whole assignment and everyone knows what he is responsible for.

This cuts down on a lot of stress, once the child learns to do it. It does require that the teachers cooperate, though.
We got the "teachers initial planner" accommodation in the 504, so at least there is that. I really would like somebody at school to work with him because when I try to discuss the planner, assignments due, long-term planning, organizational issues, etc., you'd think I was speaking a foreign language.

I don't expect DS to manage this on his own or even really understand any of it at this point. I've chunked it out (in my mind, anyhow), and for now, Goal #1 is for DS to complete assignments and not lose them. I am doing everything else and it's overwhelming. He's writing down assignments but he's not using the information. We need to take baby steps--his skills are frankly unbelievably poor, now that I'm paying more attention and not just thinking he's being a pain (and I'm pretty sure medication is doing its job). I don't know if it's possible to have Zero EF but that's where we appear to be, at this time.

I don't know if he will qualify for eval but I sure hope so. He is a full time job, even when he's doing well.