My (2E) DS12 has similar difference between his GAI and PSI on (old) FSIQ testing. During the follow-up meeting, following assessment, the psychologist explained that the "silly" behavior could be essentially "reaching for the low-hanging fruit" in a desire to amuse (and therefore, fit in) with his classmates, socially.

He explained that the difference between his reasoning ability and speed could cause frustration. He is able to manage sophisticated concepts, cognitively, but not able to respond quickly to performance demands. I'm probably not explaining that very well, but maybe it is similar to what your DS experiences?

I remember DS telling me about that time, that he had an argument with a classmate that went like this:

Classmate: You're odd!
DS: I'm not odd, you're odd!

I wonder sometimes if the class-clowning behavior began as an attempt to appear less odd. If you make people laugh, they are more likely to overlook the "odd" behaviors, maybe.

edit: My DS' PSI was at 50th percentile (although psych said might be affected by anxiety)--yours is quite a bit higher. I don't know how much difference that makes. His other scores were similar to your son's profile (though not as high, if I recall)--fairly even gifted range. FWIW, there's never been any question about his ability to do high level work. I wouldn't question your DS' ability so much as looking for possible learning challenge or poor environmental fit.

Last edited by eco21268; 08/18/15 03:19 AM.