DD10 was first placed OOD in a spec Ed school for third grade. As part of her program she was placed with the 8th graders for reading comprehension and given the opportunity to choose any topics she wanted for enrichment projects. She was so happy to actually have the opportunity she just said "I want to learn everything about everything!" and couldn't choose a topic but decided she would focus on history. Her teacher didn't know what to make of her - she knew she was sincere and had never had a kid SO enthusiastic about learning. It took most of the year for DD to acknowledge that the 8th grade group "moved painfully slowly." For 4th grade they moved her to 1-1 high school literature. We're hoping she has actual high schoolers to work with this year for the purposes of discussing the literature. She is really giving the teacher a run for her money working 1:1.

While all this was going on at school home time focused on an endless number of youtube videos all about fairies - building fairy houses, fairy traps, catching fairies, etc. Oh and dragons. She just can't understand why she can't have a dragon for a pet. (The risk of burning the house down was countered with research on ice dragons...)

So when it comes to literature and history very much a gifty. When it comes to fantasy and an imaginary world very much a little girl. Most of her friends are also gifted and it's the same with them. Sparkling brilliance in certain areas and "Really???" in others.