Originally Posted by blackcat
Is she on stimulant meds for the ADHD? DD is a poor sleeper anyway, but on stimulant meds she is worse, even when they wear off hours before bedtime. We have tried melatonin with varying degrees of success (sometimes it seems to help, sometimes it doesn't). The woman in GNC told me it can cause night terrors in kids, which made me wonder if it actually changes the sleep cycles somehow (in a negative way). DD hasn't reported night terrors, but she has reported weird or bad dreams. I found that when we started to give her Intuniv alone or along with the Vyvannse (stimulant) in the morning, she was sleeping much better (after she got past the sedative effect, where she was falling asleep in the middle of the day). It only helps with extended release guanfacine (Intuniv), not short-acting tenex. Of course, intuniv may have it's own list of possible side effects but a bonus may be helping with the ADHD.
blackcat, I don't want to hijack but am sending a PM.