I have a 7 year old child who is > 99.9%.
If you've not already done so, you may wish to check qualifications and possibly apply for your child to join the Davidson Young Scholar program.

I would like to know what is the requirement, significance and importance of both mother and father in growing up such a gifted kid.
This may be different for every family, depending upon a wide number of factors such as culture, other roles in the family (including wage earners), support of extended family, siblings, type of learning environments available, etc.

In general, it may be beneficial if the parents are in agreement with each other on major issues, constructively discuss areas of potential disagreement, express understanding and concern for each other and for their children.

For dealing with issues specific to raising a gifted child, many find the book A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children helpful.

Who has a major role to play mother or father?
This may depend on the relative strengths of each parent, and the particular needs to be addressed. For example, parents may divide tasks such as: being a sounding board for the child, helping to reframe child's experiences and providing guidance, seeking resources and opportunities for the child, learning approaches to advocacy and working with the school, etc.

What do when one of the parent is completely indifferent?
It is possible that one's own educational experiences make it difficult to raise a gifted child; This might be something to explore. Depending upon the root cause or underlying reason(s), the indifference may be something which could change over time... for example as a person heals old wounds, or as a career becomes established and its demands become more predictable, or as a person gains sufficient background information and is no longer intimidated by the prospect of what lies ahead on the journey of raising a gifted child.

It is possible for one parent to take on the role of primary responsibility for raising a gifted child. You may wish to seek other sources of support such as: DYS, local in-person gifted parent groups, this online forum, books for parents, and even books for your child such as Survival Guide for Gifted Kids (parent may wish to pre-screen to see if the book seems helpful for your child).

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