There are a lot of jobs out there that require a lot less EF than being a student where you need to juggle 5-7 different subjects at a time. With multiple assignments due at all sorts of different times. When I worked as a computer programmer, I worked on ONE thing for months. Sure I there were different aspects to what I was working on but that was part of my complex design for the program and not really the same skills as trying to keep multiple projects going simultaneously.

There are many jobs out there from Engineer, Computer Programmer, research scientist and artist. That is just to name a few. And yes these jobs do require some level of organization but many of these people with low EF are capable of learning/follow some basic organizational skills certainly enough to keep up in a job where they are interested.

On the other hand to be a good teacher/administrator in a regular b&m school requires a lot of organization & good ef skills. Thus the people teaching our kids see organization as a very important skill because they themselves would be lost without it.

Last edited by bluemagic; 07/14/15 01:25 PM.