Thank you all so much for your thoughts. We're travelling, so I'm just now revisiting this thread.

How did he get into the school? Did he test in? Did you push for it or was there no question that he was accepted in? If the school feels he will be a good fit, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Did the school do the WISC or was that done separately from the school's admission process?

It's a private gifted school, and we went through the admissions process when we started noticing he wasn't quite like his preschool classmates (e.g., asking really complicated questions like what did we evolve from; doing 60 piece puzzles at 3; recommendation of testing from a teacher). The admissions process included the WPPSI-IV. There was also a class visit in which the potential students underwent additional testing (which my son thought was great fun). I am guessing they wouldn't have admitted him if they didn't think he was capable, but I can't quiet the voice in the back of my mind that he is going to feel inadequate and/or that they admitted him because they didn't have enough students to fill the class this year (there are still openings). The school does not post minimum IQ scores, though the tester we used tests a lot of kids seeking admission to this school. She noted that while there certainly would be students with higher scores in the school, he had a good chance of admission.

Was there any split in his PRI/VCI scores? Or were they both above 130? I
His VSI was above 130, but his FRI and VCI were in the 120s.

And... one last thought on worries over school... each school year is only one school year. Chances are that you'll probably have some year at some school somewhere that won't work the best or won't be ideal. If it happens, don't beat yourself up over it, make a correction and move on.
This is what I keep trying to tell myself! I know it's just kindergarten, but he really loves learning, and I don't want to quench his fire for it.