I have begun a massive overhaul at home, in hopes of helping all of us function better.

--Ruthless decluttering. We are not exactly hoarders; in fact, by most people's standards do not have a lot of "stuff," but as each school year progresses, piles of paper seem to accumulate to the point of overwhelm.

--I am also purging just about all of our existing furniture/decor items, etc. and am going into a "blank slate" minimalist mindset.

--We are all very visual and I have always noted that behavior and mood (myself included) improves dramatically when things are simple, clean, and organized.

I am interested in any advice about how to help with simple systems to help my children organize their own belongings and contribute more to the household functioning.

Has anyone ever tried this approach? What sorts of things have been helpful in setting up systems so kids can become more self-sufficient?

I have a hunch if we could get the environment into a more peaceful state, we'd all function better.

1) What to do with kids' school work? Piles on the dining room table don't seem to help.

2) What about art/craft supplies?

3) Laundry: do your children do their own, and how do you manage this?

4) Electronics. iPads. Gaming systems. Chargers. These things find their way all over the house. I did finally purchase a binder for DS to keep his games in (and stored the cases)...but we have three gaming systems, all the accessories, all the cords (that are SO upsetting to me), just sort of hanging out all over the living room.

I'm wondering if anyone has successfully put together a home that supports better EF instead of flying by the seat of their pants and having occasional freak-outs (mine, not the kids') about all the crazy, messy, clutter.

Advice, tips, resources, etc., appreciated. I was so much better at this when they were young and their toys were in a playroom.

Last edited by eco21268; 06/02/15 04:13 AM.