Originally Posted by Ivy
The way I figure it, you don't know what will happen in the future. You can't predict it. The elite education might not get you the dream job. The high-priced university might not work out. Something might happen that keeps that perfect life plan from rolling out like a red carpet from your feet.

But you can predict that all that student loan debt will be with you (or your kids) for a really long time.
The Federal government has been pushing income-based repayment, so not necessarily. IBR plans are especially generous for people working in "public service" https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/repay-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service or going to graduate school.

Beware Savvy Borrowers Using Income-Based Repayment

Of course, what's good for borrowers may not be good for taxpayers.

College admissions has become complicated enough that it helps to have a savvy parent. So has the financial aid system.