DS is registered for drivers ed in the fall. Rant alert: his counselor asked me several months ago why DS hadn't taken drivers ed yet. And DS asked me the same question independently. I couldn't believe it. The kids register with their counselors, not with their parents, and we don't have to sign off. Even though we talk about it with our kids, what happens in the counselor's office, stays in the counselor's office. Perhaps he will take it privately this summer, he can't take it through summer school because he is also taking USH. But it would be very time consuming. By taking it in the fall, he gets some free periods during the week in addition to lunch, and that could be a good thing for him. He had half a period free this year, and he needed that.

Oddly, DS did not want to do the band trip (overseas). I knew he wanted to go on the French trip just by the fact that he brought the brochure packet home and left it on the counter where we could see it. It's a nice group going, almost half boys, and he is looking forward to it.

We also bought the nice wood clarinet last year, had it serviced (it was "gently pre-played"), then had it repaired after a fall (grr), so I'm a bit disappointed that he's switching, but glad he's continuing to play and branching out a bit.