In the past week I have noticed how much my DS16 has matured over the past two months. Over that time he has gotten his drivers license & gone on a week trip with his high school band. The difference between DS last year at the end of freshman year and this year at the end of sophomore year is HUGE. This is a kid who as a preteen acquaintances would as ask if he was on the spectrum. (I've had 3 psychologists say he is not.. although he does share some characteristics.) At 12 he simply wouldn't talk with anyone he didn't know. Sent him this weekend to his grandparents and I got the most glowing report from them.

I't hard to explain it's not any one thing but lots of little things. He has been off the cuff thanking me for doing normal stuff for him. (Like buying him shampoo before he asks.) He stands straighter, looks people in the eye and has conversations with adults he's never met before. That isn't to say he is perfect or doesn't still have struggles. And I'm not sure the change is just one thing, although I'm sure just growing up in a huge part of it.

But I felt I wanted to share that things are better right now than when I started posting. I've been posting a lot about recently about his 6th grade struggles and I though others would like to hear that things have gotten significantly better.