Originally Posted by StephInDenver
The composite scores were:
Verbal Comprehension: 135
Visual Spatial: 141
Fluid Reasoning: 136
Working Memory: 131
Processing Speed: 115.

Im new to all this as well, so I cant help with any advice, but wanted to say I'm right there with you, going through similiar issues with picking a school & how DS will go

I have no idea how they calculate the scores or what to make of the results.....I had DS4 tested a couple of months back (at 4years 5months) using the WPPSI-IV, he had a very similiar (but lower) sum of scores yet there is a difference in FSIQ; is each area weighted differently?

My DS results were:
Verbal Comprehension: 145
Visual Spatial: 131
Fluid Reasoning: 123
Working Memory: 138
Processing Speed: 110
FSIQ: 149

Vocabulary Acquisition: 128
Non-Verbal: 138
General Ability: 150
Cognitive Proficiency: 125

The psychologist we saw said his GAI of 150 was more likely to represent his ability & said that it would be highly unlikely to find a school (where we live) that would be able to cater to his needs.