Originally Posted by Portia
If you so not mind, how was the spread in your child's scores? Were they fairly similar among the subtests or a big difference? If there was a big difference (greater than 15 points), could you share? That information might be helpful in pointing you to the right direction.

The composite scores were:
Verbal Comprehension: 135
Visual Spatial: 141
Fluid Reasoning: 136
Working Memory: 131
Processing Speed: 115.

The psychologist indicated that a lower score in processing speed is something she often sees, and that she felt that the overall score was valid.

We met with the principal this morning, and he was wonderfully receptive to our concerns. The school seems to have quite a bit in place to help kids who fall at all different points intellectually, and even a small group setting for those who have behavioral issues that may pose problems in the classroom. He offered to get the (part-time) GT teacher, our son's kindergarten teacher & para, and us together to come up with a plan that will keep our boy engaged and working at his own speed without disrupting the class. We were really pleased with our discussion.

Thank you for the advice on areas we need to focus on over the summer - we will work especially on the transitioning thing, which is a definite struggle for him. Something that we were pleased with is that they use the Promethium boards to display a "countdown clock" to help remind them about how much time they have for a particular activity. We do something similar at home, so at least there is consistency for him there.