I think what the OP describes is completely "normal" in that it sounds like a deep fascination with one specific subject. I have a friend who's son also has been deeply fascinated by WWII around the same age. Likewise I've seen lots of kids fascinated by one thing for extended periods of time. I suspect that for the OP's child, it will be possibly a phase that passes into deep fascination for something else. Or perhaps it will lead to a life-long interest. It's too early to tell. I wouldn't necessarily think it's anything to worry about unless the child was showing other types of troubling behavior (either thoughts or actions).

I don't think a facisnation with guns/weapons is "normal" in the sense that all boys get excited about weapons - i.e.:

Originally Posted by cmguy
ITA it is a very normal boy thing. If schools spent more time in history class on weapons I think a lot of little boys would pay much closer attention.

I've known lots and lots of boys, and there's no way you can characterize all boys as enjoying weapons and being fascinated by weapons. Talking about weapons isn't how you motivate boys, or anyone, to get interested in history. The way you motivate kids to get interested in history (or any subject) is by having the person who is teaching it be interested in it and make that interest obvious to the students.

Yes, some boys are interested in weapons. Some aren't. It's not something that defines the male gender.

You also can't make the inverse assumption - that girls' attention is turned off when the subject is weapons.


Last edited by polarbear; 05/12/15 07:41 AM.