When DS was younger he loved airplanes, then it turned into ships, then into battle ships, then to the weapons on the battleships, then World War 2 and now all weapons with World War 2. He is fascinated by anything and everything World War 2 but can describe every type of weapon used, whom it was used by and the pros and cons of such things. We have had lots of talks about guns and he knows the difference between playing with one of his nerf guns or seeing a real one. IN fact he will lecture people on the importance of having guns locked up lol. Anyways, it still makes me nervous he has such a fascination with this. Is this a boy thing? Is this a gifted thing? Should I be incredibly concerned and have him seek counseling? Or am I completely over reacting to the media's portrayal of children and guns? We don't have a gun but I know other people do. I don't think he would play with a gun he found at a friends house (hell he won't even use a knife because he's afraid of getting hurt). Anyone else dealt with this?