Our kids didn�t have cell phones until quite recently. We consider it a necessity for logistical communications at distant schools this fall, but to their dismay they don�t get texting service.

The one week college summer swim camp they attended had no restrictions on bringing a cell phone. It was fortunate for our son who called every single night. Our daughter (who we knew was still alive per our son) never felt the need to call (us, at least).

Maybe instead of a no cell phones allowed policy, they should designate at certain time when kids are allowed to call home. I don�t feel that a kid should endure homesickness at the expense of enjoying camp. Our son needed to connect for a short period each day and then he was fine. Last year, he burned up his 90 minute phone card in 5 nights and this year he only needed approx 10 minutes before returning to free time activities. Who knows, next year he may even skip a night.

I think the lesson of camp autonomy can be more gradual than just �sink or swim�.

However, I agree that parents should know and follow the camp rules.