Two weeks without a computer or TV? I told my son about it and says he couldn't do it. Last week we went with my husband to a conference that was held at a state lodge near a beautiful lake and I thought there would be things for us to do like swimming in the lake and hiking. But with temperatures close to 105 degrees, hiking didn't sound like much fun to either of us and there were no other kids around. Part of the time we listened in on a the training conference. We heard them talk about different learning styles and best teaching methods. My son thought the instructors were only going over common sense learning methods that everyone should already know about and it was really a waste of time and money for the people attending the conference, but he did think the role playing games his dad had to participate in sounded like fun.

When we got home, one of his friends called and told him that he had just returned from a Boy Scout camp where they had to hike up a hill which he said was named "Cardiac Hill" in the 105 degree heat. He told my son, who has one more year as a Cub Scout, that he needed to stay in scouts so he could do this too. Somehow I don't think this will help me convince my son to stay in scouts.