Hi, Grin! smile

As someone who has sprained ankles more times than I can recall--LOTS and LOTS!, including one stress fracture from a bad twist--I strongly recommend doing ankle strengthening exercises when your injury has healed.

The best and easiest just involves standing on one foot and letting your body weight sway around a little so your ankle has to work to keep your balance. It has been amazingly effective for strengthening my muscles and ligaments and whatnot around the ankle area so that they don't just give way, like they used to do almost constantly. (Seriously, I could twist an ankle on a chalk line drawn on the pavement!)

The stronger your ankle gets, the bigger your swaying can become. But I do this in a small way even when standing in line at the bank or other public venues. Talking on the phone or when cooking dinner are other good times to do it.

Seriously, this was life-changing for me! You know how not-evangelical I am about stuff, but I AM evangelical about this. It's that good!

Hope your ankle heals fast! smile
