Well, our school year lasts till almost the end of June, so we have weeks and weeks for all the various tests. Which leads to tons of review in some classes- in DDs geometry, they have the local honors final fairly soon, then in a few weeks, the common core exam, and then a few weeks after that the state (pre-common core) regents exam (strangely, they seem to occur in descending order of difficulty). So they fill the time between with review, and some topics that are covered more or less on specific tests. And that is a class without AP or SAT-2 testing; she has some of those coming up as well for other classes. This is DDs first year of HS, so we are just beginning the testing cycle here- it seems kind of ridiculous, but with all the reviewing they seem to do, I think DD is not that worked up, just kind of irritated with the process.