My not-at-all-professional opinion is that there are significant contraindications here, so no worries.

NVLD - Whiz at hidden picture game. He can do a puzzle well, he just prefers not to. Some of his food preparation activities are direct analogs to cutting and pasting. Handling a screwdriver requires more coordination than handling a pen or a paint brush. My strength is in non-verbal, and I also had limited interest in Legos/blocks, zero interest in art projects.

ADHD - Well behaved in public. Focused on reading. The bouncing around during TV shows is probably indicative of the fact that it leaves a lot of his cognitive power unused.

So, rather than these two hypotheses, I'd propose that some of your concerns indicate he's exhibiting some task-avoidant perfectionism, he's extremely extroverted, and displays some overexcitabilities/sensitivities. None of these are a second E, but they're worth working on.

As for the social connection with other kids and preferring adults, I wouldn't worry about that for now, although it would probably be worth looking into connecting him with older kids, if possible.