Interesting. Here, many kids who take AP bio take it concurrently with honors chemistry, that seems to be the most common pathway, generally done in Soph year. Our school has also let a few kids skip honors chem and go straight to AP chem, though I think they were advised to self-study some chem over the summer.

On the other hand, there is no flexibility at all with the math track- none at all (probably common core related).

Regarding polarbear's comments about honors bio vs. AP- our daughter also would have preferred to go straight to AP bio, but the school doesn't allow it. For her, honors bio has been underwhelming, and she finds herself researching and doing outside reading to satisfy her questions not addressed or answered in the class. In retrospect, I think it might have been a good plan to have her focus her self-study a bit more, using some AP materials and consider sitting for the AP exam at the end of the year. As it stands now, she is pretty turned-off by her experience and has no plans to take any more bio- hopeful that chemistry is a better fit/offering.