Originally Posted by DeeDee
I, for one, will continue to praise those resources that appear to me to have value and credibility.
Numerous others apparently praise the book you seem to discredit, as it carries a 4.7 star rating on amazon where it has been rated as the #11 best seller in the category of Autism & Asperger's Syndrome, and #23 in the category of Special Needs. The author has been recognized with a number of awards in the field.

While it is admirable to praise those resources that appear to you to have value and credibility, many find a way to do so without discrediting the resources shared by others ("full of inappropriate stereotypes (such as visual learners, sensory dysfunction, literal thinking)... makes it hard to get our child's needs met".)

There may be an art to agreeably recommending alternate resources without attempting to discredit that which was offered to start a thread.