Your obligation is to your child. Not to the school - even though your tax money funds it, they have been slow to respond. I agree with southlake.

I don't understand why a child must "suffer" in order to be moved to a better situation. We have not bothered with the public school route (DS misses the cutoff by a day, and we can not imagine having to hold him back just because of some arbitary age limit) and i don't feel guilty about it... I don't have the time or energy as a FT working mother to fight every year if there is a school that meets his needs and that is completely in line with our view on education for kids like ours.

Since they know they were competing with another school, just politely cancel saying "we have decided to enroll our child in another program, and we appreciate all your efforts thus far." (Just like what you would say if you leave a company for another company... They don't need anything more and you are not obliged to provide any more details).