Oh, hugs, Marnie! I feel your pain! Part of the reason we never bothered to have DD tested before she was old enough for school testing was that um, well...there was no guarentee she'd "perform." By age 8, when she was "old enough" for G&T testing at school, she'd been through enough standardized testing that I knew she could handle being tested with a decent chance of giving it some actual, compliant effort...she'd matured (although she still has her moments).

I guess my point is...hang in there. Eventually, they will see it. Also, K screening, is, from what I've seen - a big nothing. Unless they have some amazing special programs (that probably require more than 3 minutes to determine admission), I wouldn't sweat it.

DS6 is an entirely different child...extremely compliant. We had him tested at age 6. wink