So, DD7 is loving school at the moment. We asked for, and got, a particular teacher who's pushing her in most lessons and genuinely seems to like her. DD7 is "only" MG ((FSIQ 138) but has good EF abilities which include a high working memory which pushes up achievement. She is social, makes friends easily and although intense doesn't have any sensitivities. In short, she's probably relatively easy to cater for educationally.

Her strength is maths, she's always been very mathy - could count to 100 by 2 and currently lives for her maths lessons. In classroom the maths is way too easy so once she's finished she (and anyone else who wishes) can do some puzzles, maths games etc. She also does weekly "enrichment" which seems to be a mix of interesting problem solving and literacy based tasks. The school also streams the 60 children in the year into 4 maths classes about 4 times a week. The maths in these subgroups is harder and she really enjoys it. Having said that though, they've just had an end of term test and she said she got everything correct. In fact, so far this year (nearly finished the first term here in Aus) she's only got one thing wrong, which was on a worksheet. I know this because she mentioned it for weeks because it was an unusual thing.

So, overall, she's happy and chirpy and thriving but I'm a bit worried (but only mildly) by how easy the maths still is. Ideally, I'd like her to be getting stuff wrong and learning from it. I'd prefer her not to do after school maths tutoring - although she would love it, probably - because between school and a few sporting commitments I think she needs time to just play, read, annoy her siblings etc.

Is this unreasonable? Overall I think on a day to day level her wonderful teacher is encouraging her to explore most subjects in greater depths. I do also think they're trying to do that in maths but it's not working.

How much does it matter if some school is far too easy if overall she's happy and stimulated?

Last edited by coffee; 03/27/15 04:40 AM.