Please make sure that you don't overlook antidepressants in this case. I know there has been a lot of negative coverage in the media, but it sounds to me like he needs some medicine to help him get through the worst of this. I am NOT a medical professional but have experienced this kind of severe depression. The therapy helped, but it wouldn't have if I hadn't finally agred to use the antidepressant medication. So, a good psychiatrist to find the right combination of meds/therapy is essential. He may even need hospitalization to help him focus on nothing but beating the depression. I did, and it was a huge help. No responsibilities, no places to go, just a time to focus on getting well.

I'm not trying to scare you (or anyone) or be an alarmist. I just know from my own experience that sometimes a person needs a lot more help than a therapist can give. And, it is okay to need that help. Perhaps the suggestions of the others will help; I think he needs to beat the depression first.

Again, not trying to scare anyone or make this a worst case scenario. Depression is a very scary thing, especially for a teenager, and needs to be addressed on its own merits.

My thoughts are with you and I hope that you find the help you seek. You might look online for a forum on depression. You can also check the NAMI website (National Associaton for Mental Illness).