I have a 15 year old son who is highly gifted but in his own words, "I am very strange, people make fun of me and because of that I hide my true self to the world and put on a facade so I can somewhat fit in." These feelings have led him into a deep depression and he hates his life. I need help!!! He is seeing a therapist once a week. My question to you is....What can I do to help my son? I have been trying to find people or friends he can relate to and interact with but I don't know anyone like him. I don't know where to turn. He is completely miserable. He despizes school and this year he failed math and is now attending summer school, which only makes him hate himself more. He has 2 friends in his life but he has them only for the sake of having a friend. He doesn't relate to them. My son only opens up and shows his true self to me, and does so only because he has no one else to vent too. When he does open up to me, it is so sad to listen to him explain how he feels. We talk for hours but it is so hard for me to "get it". He is not like the rest of our family and he knows it. I try to tell him this a positive thing but he doesn't see it that way. Our home enviornment is exactly what he should NOT be around. He hates us and everything. Nothing makes him happy. He believes that he will never fit in, even as an adult. What can I do? Should I change his school, how do I find friends for him that are on his level??? He is not just book smart, he is a highly intelligent deep thinker, a great writer and a young man who is extremely "quirky." My son has so much potential locked up inside of him and has no where or no one to let it out. He is going insane (as he puts it) and can't stand life anymore. He is losing weight and tired all the time. He really is battling his own demons but they seem to be winning. I am so helpless. Even though I am his mom and the closest person to him, I can't seem to help him and I still have a hard time understanding the things he does, and the way he acts. Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, leads, or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time.
A worried mom,