Originally Posted by Kai
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
You should also know that Algebra II is the first weeder course on the path to Calculus.

It is a very difficult class. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that even a HG+ student might struggle with it, particularly if there has been a lack of true challenge previously.

I must be missing something here... Could you tell me what is difficult about Algebra II? The algebra part of precalculus--yes--but Algebra II seems to me to be nothing more than an Algebra I rehash with a few extras thrown in.

I wouldn't say that Algebra II is entirely an Algebra I rehash with a few extras thrown in, but I'm also with Kai in not really seeing it as any type of weed-out class smile

I wonder if it's more the teacher or amount of homework given that resulted in it being a "weed-out" class?
