Originally Posted by whereditgo
Math has always been Drennen's thing. His peers refer to him as the math genius. All of a sudden this year he is failing Common Core Algebra 2. He does have dysgraphia (can't read his own handwriting), although it is just now having to be diagnosed. No accommodations without a diagnosis. His class only gets to use a calculator for graphing, and they refuse to see the handwriting as an issue. The main issue to Drennen is that he is being placed in a college prep algebra 3 class next year rather than the pre calculus honors class he feels he needs. The school does not see the big deal and feel as though this way they are not setting up for failure. Drennen does not see it that way, he sees it as they are getting in the way of him pursuing his dream (PHD in Astrophysics). Has anyone else been faced with this.
My son is sort-of in this situation. (He isn't dysgraphic) His peers always looked up to him in math. He did really well in Algebra in 7th and Geometry in 8th and then didn't get the grades in Algebra II last year and was placed in 'regular' pre-calculus this year. He ended up with C+ in Algebra, for multiple reasons and for DS it is water under the bridge. It was partly due to teacher.

DS is getting A's in math this year, has a great teacher and is now on track for being able to go back into the top track next year, although if this is a good idea is still up for debate. (AP Calc BC vs. Calc AB). The biggest downside is part of this class is repetition, they are about to start Matrices a subject that he covered in MORE depth last year and did well on.

What happens if your son takes this 'algebra 3 class' next year. Can he with a good grade move back "up"? Is he getting low grades on tests? Or is it just homework. Is there something he can do in the summer to get back into the top track. Have you talked with the teachers? Is the dysgraphia a problem because it's painful to handle the homework load. Problem in Algebra II can be sometimes really long and take a lot of time.

Not sure if this helps, but I know kids in astrophysicist in college who weren't even on the top track in H.S.

Good Luck... I do know what you are going through.

Last edited by bluemagic; 03/12/15 09:15 AM.