Hi friends- new here, and I am completely lost, so I am hoping some of you can offer guidance from your experience.I'll jump to the point. Requested IQ test from the public school fo rmy grade K age 6 DD- they told me they were doing a full assessment but only completed a "Kauffman Brief Intelligence Test". Scores from this were much lower than I or her teacher expected (129 Verbal, 122NV, 128 Composite). Tester didn't seem to be able to speak well to scoring method, just saying she used the formula that came with the test. She explained that scoring continues until the child misses 4 questions in a row, my daughter tested out into the 16+ age range on both verbal and non verbal portions.
My questions is: is there any reason to suspect this is an unreliable measure? Starting to think I have been delusional. DD has most "characteristics" of gifted children, reading at age 3, math computations in her head, incredible memory, etc. As well as I know her, her teacher and other professionals I have spoken with who know her expected her to test into "gifted" range. Should we consider seeking a private psychologist to the testing and get a WISC or a SB? (and how do I find one0 Hoagies didn't have a suggestion for my area). I wanted testing to get a picture of her ability for ideal school placement, and possibly enrichment programs that require IQ 135+. DD is refusing to work at school, puts forth minimal effort and is quickly losing interest/ desire to learn at school. Any input/advice offered is welcome, please. I am feeling lost!