You're not being obnoxious, just passionate. smile

DS8 got stomach aches everymorning nearly the entire year. The only days he didn't get stomach aches were on the weekends, on a snow day, on a holiday, or when there was a school field trip for science or for field day. I kid you not. The only day I let him stay home was when he freaked out at the front door screaming, crying, blubbering how he just couldn't take it anymore. I had to keep him home. He did go to school the next day.

Now in the 3weeks since school let out no stomach aches. He did have gas one morning but it passed quickly. Now we have track and field at 8:30am. We had been waking up at 8am lol. So now that he has that *stress* he's having stomach aches. I initially thought if this negated the stomach aches being a result of not being challenged at school. But I don't think so. I think the stomach aches are his body's response to stress. This AM after a good night's sleep, he didn't say he had a stomach ache. And this week I've been having to wake him up. For school, he wakes on his own b/c he goes to bed earlier during school so I don't the aches are due to being tired during the school year. The last week of school in which he didn't eat lunch b/c it was all half-days, he still had a stomach ache so it wasn't something he was eating at school.

So after a year, he hasn't learned to cope w/ the boredom and appears to be having physiological reaction to it or at least, a pyschological reaction.

The big question is....where to go from here...that's right for my family.

Regarding DS5... I initially thought that K would be great for him b/c while advanced, he's very laid back, not as hungry for knowledge like DS8 was at 5yrs old. well, recently I've been getting "that book is too easy. I won't something harder. That math is too easy." So while I'm optimistic and positive about K on the outside, I have already decided that if K goes South like it did for DS8 (he cried nearly every night about how bad K was, how boring, how he didn't learn anything), I'll pull DS5 out since K is not required in this state. I know the Principal, acceleration is not an option. While DS8 kept saying "I'm going to learn so much in K!" we're telling DS5 that K is all about learning to still sit all day, getting along w/ others, following instructions, being independent, etc and not focusing on learning.