I agree Mon, you have to take into consideration the child. I have one of each.
With one you can have an emotionless discussion about the affect people's actions have.
The other one is remarkably socially astute and does internalize to a great degree.
She's also too little to separate out the logic from those emotions, so I'd be more apt to take her out of the situation until she is developmentally ready to deal with those issues.

Also, I'm a little hesitant to over condition my kids to put up with B.S.

My husband has rapidly progressed in his career because he wasn't afraid to switch companies where waranted. At one point he was with a very solid company with a promising path. Twice, he was blocked from making an upward move because it was in the boss's best interest to keep him where he was.
The second time he left. Went to another large company where he has been promoted up twice.
A few collegues/friends are still there, pretty much not happy about not having made any progress in their careers.