Originally Posted by bluemagic
Originally Posted by catova
Thank you all for your feedback. Last year (while DD was taking algebra) her entire 7th grade class took the 7th grade common core SBAC as a 'mock' even though no 7th grader had actually had the 7th grade CC math curriculum, as it had not yet been introduced. I asked if we could get results and they said 'heck no, we are not even getting the results; this is just for practice'. I will ask the district again about providing the CC assessments as a tool in the future. I already have documents that show the alignment/gaps of CC to former CA standards; and I will plan on paying a tutor to provide an assessment of DD against CC standards and cover the gaps. But I am trying to campaign the district to actually do something for these kids too. I have friends who are just coming to grips with understanding that their kids currently in geometry are in the same boat...the school has said NOTHING about the gaps, which is why I was wondering if any of your school districts have acknowledged this issue and plan to do anything about it. My conversations with the principal and head of math department last year went nowhere..they looked at me like I was crazy when I suggested just offering optional 'cover the gaps' class during lunchtime once a week or after school. District line is 'it's unfortunate but it's the way it is'. Well, I don't believe that every district is doing nothing...are they? Bluemagic, is your district addressing the gaps or is every parent handling it privately? It's flat out shocking to me.
Yes my district is trying to handle the gaps. The whole reason for the committee I was on was in response to first year common core implementation mistakes and to figure out how to go forwards. That said kids who are currently accelerated in junior high math right now have gaps and many are struggling. The math depts. at the junior high schools are currently trying to fix the situation. I'm not quite sure of those details and how it affects going forward on implementing CC. One thing were are doing is CC core math is being implemented in all math classes, it will only follow the current junior high kids who are either in CC 8 or Algebra. So next year standard 9th grade math will be CC Algebra and there will be CC Geometry classes for 9th graders & regular Geometry courses for 10th graders. (Or students who transferred in.) Or however we finally decide the H.S. course schedule will look. Algebra II & up will be left alone another year, so they kids who are in Geometry in 8th this year are OK, but not those that skipped to Algebra. Not sure what they are going to do for students who transfer in from out of the district who don't yet have CC 8th grade math.

Thanks for your response. What I have found with further questioning is that even the kids who took 8th grade math and algebra this year as 8th graders in our district, who are rolling into algebra and geometry respectively next year, will still not have the 'common core' equivalent of algebra and geometry in high school! While the district is beginning its efforts to implement CC standards in these subjects, it has acknowledged that the curriculum will not be 'CC 100%' until the current 7th graders hit the classes in high school. If I get any response from the district's supervisor of curriculum, I'll be sure to share it!