Thanks Aeh & MichelleC.

She does the intl school of music program. Honestly I'm starting to just think she needs one on one rather than group as if I sit down with her and get eye contact and just give her a moment after I clap she is fine but anyway.

It's given me a bit to think about. I hear what you are saying re dyslexia. She def isn't (as far as I know) but the pauses she takes at times to process what she has heard make me think of dyslexic kids who are trying to process what they are reading as they go.

I know she understands the value of each note, it's just rapidly converting the tahn, ti ti etc into action. I guess if we focus more on the picture of the notes and getting her more involved bodily it'll become second nature and she won't have to think. Maybe making "friends" with the notes.

Last night I popped removable coloured stickers on the keys and shaded some photocopies of her music. She can def play notes by ear (I think she has perfect pitch) but she can't do ANY of the notation activities in class, ie when they are given a staff and have to put magnets on doh etc. So I'm hoping the colours will help her in that regard more so than in playing.

She wants to start violin as well soon (we'll wait until she's had piano a full year) so in 3 months she'll be doing both instruments. I think we will def be doing Suzuki. Her goal is to play trumpet eventually so she started recorder at home yesterday too. Fingers are way too small though.