This may be more information than you were looking for. smile

Aeh, thanks very much. Your information is super helpful. I think I will atleast start by requesting enrichment for math and see how it goes.

Do you mean that he does well with fluency when the responses are oral, motor, written, or some combination thereof? Your example suggests that his retrieval fluency is good (oral recall of math facts), but that his written fluency is not (even for a nonsymbolic task like coloring). The coloring story and the high matrix reasoning score together suggest that it is more of a motor issue than a visual or perceptual issue.

He does well orally, as well as does well on written tests (as long as he is aware it is a test). He does not care so much about in-class work; he seems to need more time, and he does do it within the day.

You may pursue OT assessment through either avenue. Just make sure that future assessors have access to past testing, so they don't just give him another VMI (aka Beery) (sans subtests), and call it a day. You want to see the BOT, or some such.

What is the BOT ? Yes, I will definitely show them the report (if it is done through the school or through an outside OT).

Please hunt down someone to give him the TOWL-4, or the writing portion of the PAL-2, which would actually be my top choice for a child of this age.

This is again super helpful. Thanks.

As you should. Some children generate legible handwriting at great cost to effort and attention, which can detract significantly from their ability to generate, in particular, quality written language products.

The thing that makes me wonder is when I present a sentence and ask him to generate ideas based on that sentence, he has no problems coming up with ideas, and is able to put together a coherent story. When it comes to physically writing those ideas on paper, he struggles some (before, it was horrible. Now it is a little better, but I still see a very large variation between oral and written output).

You could certainly ask the school for an OT assessment, especially if it's free, and see how far you get. If your insurance covers an OT assessment, then that might be something to consider as well.

Thanks, cdfox. Yes, I will ask for this when we meet with the school. I am a little scared they may say no. He is also very terrible at tying shoelaces.

A general question -- do you think it makes sense to have the school to do some sort of pre-testing, esp for math and spelling ? The school has sort of said they can give 4 digit subtraction instead of 2 digit subtraction, for enrichment. My child told me that it is still not really learning anything, except showing over and over again that he can do it; he did a 11 digit subtraction question he made up, to show he can do it with regrouping and without regrouping and a combination thereof. Any ideas how they can enrich ? (I don't know that they'll let him do independent learning by himself on the computer)