I don't know if this has been addressed or not before (I didn't see it on your other post), but I'd suggest taking your ds to a behavioral/developmental optometrist to tease out the visual issues.

My ds9 was born with visual deficits. He had vision therapy between 4-6 yrs old. He also was in neurofeedback between 6-8 yrs old. Last Dec, I had his visual skills re-assessed based on an expert's advice. The behavioral/developmental optometrist administered a battery of tests and pinpointed my son's visual deficits further - mainly due to his age.

A 'good' behavioral/developmental optometrist should be able to better pinpoint that visual integration score of 88. At the moment, I can't say if it's due to closure issues (ie. having the idea to make a paper lantern but being unable to discriminate where the cuts go or out to finish making it) or something else.

A 'good' behavioral/developmental optometrist should be able to dissect where the stumbling block is for your ds. In our case, it made a world of difference. I can better understand how my ds9 has trouble manipulating objects (ie. paper lantern) in his head, how to sequence, and execute making something, for instance. It's NOT about achievement or IQ, but how his brain is actually wired and works. It's quite possible with your ds that he can easily flip or manipulate numbers internally in his head with his visual cortex like my ds9, but struggles doing it with other objects or things in life.