Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by aeh
I would contend that parents ought to be the ones teaching social skills, and that the history of humanity suggests that parents have been net more effective than third-party professionals.

Of course they should. And do. And yet, I would contend that there are some particular skills that it is hard to teach within the home, by parents alone. Negotiating in a team of peers, for instance (if one does not happen to have half a dozen siblings). Getting attention in appropriate ways when one is in a large meeting.

For some kids, it really does take a village.

Agreed with that last statement, where "some" equals "all."

My DD is currently learning the skill of dealing with difficult people. It's an important one to learn, and you can't learn it without being stuck in a situation where you have to. If she never learns it, then she'll be another difficult person.