Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by aeh
I would contend that parents ought to be the ones teaching social skills, and that the history of humanity suggests that parents have been net more effective than third-party professionals.

Of course they should. And do. And yet, I would contend that there are some particular skills that it is hard to teach within the home, by parents alone. Negotiating in a team of peers, for instance (if one does not happen to have half a dozen siblings). Getting attention in appropriate ways when one is in a large meeting.

For some kids, it really does take a village.

I am not against homeschooling in principle, but it would not have worked for our family, and the OP said s/he doesn't feel s/he can homeschool successfully-- I think that it's important to affirm that this is OK and that there exist more than one solution to the challenges OP faces.

And, of course, I agree with you. After all, that's why I've run school-based social skills groups in the past... wink

But you make a good point: it is important not to become overly-focused on any one solution as the only way to go. Every child and family situation is different.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...