We kept ours (2E, similar issues, now 12) in school and then negotiated like crazy to make school fit.

They worked on social skills (not just "socializing" but also class participation, appropriate give and take with peers, working through issues with teachers, etc.). They worked on fine motor and showing work (still a work in progress). He still has executive function goals and supports in his IEP. They multiply accelerated him to the point where it kind of works academically; no formal education will ever be appropriate to the pace at which he learns.

Basically, we demanded an appropriate education and hung in there for the follow-through and inevitable constant tuning.

His social skills are notably better in the multiply-accelerated environments than in the same-age environments. For some kids, it works.

I can also say that given how hard we were working to remediate the social skills issues outside of school, I could not have also dealt with homeschooling. Having some space in the day for me to exist apart from the legion issues we faced with DS was really important to my sane survival.