I have a daughter, now 5, that I have always considered "painfully shy". I was shopping on Amazon for some Christmas books - perhaps about a character who is shy- and overcomes it.... And I kept getting book recommendations for "selective mutism". I had never heard the term before. I went to Wikipedia- and it really sounds a lot like my kid. She almost does not speak at all in her kindergarten and when she does- she can barely get her voice above a whisper. Her teacher told me that she is almost afraid to call on her because my daughter will turn red, break out in hives and start to tear up. She is not quiet at home. She prefers a quiet environment for sure- but when she is comfortable, she can be a little chatterbox. How do you determine the line between extreme shyness and selectively mute.... Also, at what point do you seek professional help? I assumed she would outgrow it with age.