Thank you both so much for the encouragement. How old are your children who are in the YS program?

Trinity, I had to laugh at what you wrote about perfectionism affecting moms, too... that's very true for me! Mary, I like your idea about talking over one question a day. That's a good approach.

It's hard to know exactly when our daughter did all of the things the form asks about. Unfortunately we don't have a video camera, so I don't have home videos to refer back to. And I didn't do as good a job at writing down every milestone with this daughter as with our first two children. I'm kicking myself for that now.

Some milestones & ages I remember with absolute clarity, because they were so surprising! Like the day at 22 months old when she pointed at an antique game board (which had numbers on it) and said "I see number 2!" I said "Do you see any other numbers?" She pointed again and said "Other number...number 4!" Then proceeded to correctly identify all the other single digit numbers. I knew she could identify letters by then, but I had no idea she knew numbers too.

Another time my sister was visiting from out of state. Something my daughter did/said made my sister think she could read words. I said no, I don't think she can read yet. My sister wrote a list of simple words on a paper: cat, dog, mom, dad, hi, bye, to, from, etc., and ask my daughter if she knew what those words said. My daughter read every word correctly. She was 2-1/2 years old. I was shocked!

But then there are other things I can't remember for sure, such as when she could do 30+ piece puzzles. I know it was at an early age, but all of my kids did puzzles early so I probably didn't think it was that big of a deal. I guess I will have to guesstimate some answers and put a question mark beside them.

I think I'm going to get my daughter's records from her pediatrician, to see what developmental milestones they have recorded at her check-ups. That might help.