I have actually considered starting with both girls this year, but am hesitant to do so because of the "political" situation in our district - there would be a LOT of questions if I suddenly pulled both of them out mid-year. However, it's not out of the question. My older daughter is by far the more intense of the two, and I'm seeing a lot of anger and frustration both before and after school. She is acting very similarly to her 2nd grade self - before she was staffed gifted - irritable, difficult to get out of bed in the morning, etc. It's hard to explain, but for her, it's the INJUSTICE of the situation. She's really a 30-year-old trapped in a 10-year-old body.

Supervision could occur one of two ways - my husband is self-employed, so one or both girls could easily go to work with him. We did this instead of preschool to save money, and both kids taught themselves to read before kindergarten at his shop. We also have a neighbor lady who is retired, and she has offered to allow one or both girls to study at her house during the day.

I don't feel comfortable with grade acceleration at this point, mainly because both girls are pretty young for their grade. Many people around here "redshirt" their spring/summer birthday kids, so they're already 1-2 years younger than a number of their classmates.