Majority middle and high SES preschool classrooms can keep the average skills gap present at preschool entry (one standard deviation in language, three fourths of a standard deviation in maths) from at least widening.
Are you suggesting that children whose parents read to them and converse with them thereby aiding the child's ability to learn... should be subject to a type of sensory deprivation in preschool to assure they do not continue to learn... because other children effectively living with sensory deprivation at home... may gain compensatory benefits in preschool... and the ultimate goal is not the continued growth of each child but outcomes which are identical?

Khmer Rouge communism might get us there, nothing less. One would wish policy makers realized that.
Are you suggesting that you would like to see things move in this direction? This was a massive genocide.
Originally Posted by article
anyone in opposition to this system must be eliminated. This list of “potential opposition” included, but was not limited to, intellectuals, educated people, professionals, monks, religious enthusiasts, ...
Do you see gifted children benefitting from implementation of such measures?