You say that one of your options is to get outside testing to find out what he needs and then tell the school. Does that mean that you aren't sure what he needs? I'd say do the private testing if you can - don't wait around for the school to do it or to "use their expertise". They probably don't know what to do either.

After a very frustrating meeting that we had with the principal in June we decided that we had to pursue further testing. They psychologist who tested DS two years ago told us that it seemed time to reassess to get a stable measure of ability and to figure out the behaviors issues. We just don't feel that the school is giving him what he needs but yet we don't really know what he needs. Hoping to know after testing in August. Then we'll know what to ask for and whether the school can do it.

Best of luck. It would be nice to take the summer off from worrying about school stuff, wouldn't it??!