I've posted some about my son - short story is that we knew he had a vision problem (strabismus) around 5 but thought it was "fixed" after surgery. It was not.Double vision was corrected but he was still having issues focusing, eye teaming,turning vision off in one eye, etc. He just completed a year long vision therapy program with awesome results. Just like you, we didn't suspect vision issues early on because he taught himself to read at 2 and had excellent comprehension. I told his eye dr that it was hard to notice the progress because he is such a good reader but when you compare the assessments done before therapy to after, it's a huge improvement. The brains of the gifted kids are able to compensate for the vision issues sometimes. The eye dr tested him at reading 500 words a minute!(after therapy))

Last edited by bronalex; 10/30/14 10:22 AM.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT