Yes, we have to turn in completed work; it's a homeschool charter so attendance is work-based. Not completing work counts as a strike against participation in the program. The teacher has agreed that alternative work is fine, like studying word roots, writing a story using some of the words, list synonyms/antonyms etc. But even this week where we're trying out the more advanced list, it's taking an hour to do the practice. It's just rote stuff and DD is stopping repeatedly to note words she's found inside the words, not just roots but like pensive in expensive, dish, one, and nest in dishonest (hey at least they're longer, more interesting words!) and generally space out/daydream. And it really does take forever to copy them out repeatedly, at least for her. This is insanity. If only we could just let her ace the tests! I guess I'm going to have to set a time limit and hope the teacher doesn't notice if words are missing, as we're doing an alternative list. I do like the program overall. I'd like DD to continue with the advanced sorts. But because we have to do the work it might be easier to just do totally different assignments so it's not obvious she's doing "less work" (I just find it hard to believe everyone's spending an hour plus on this nightly.) I guess I'd better ask parents how long it's taking their kids, too. And today was copying out four times, which has always taken forever. Perhaps with the more interesting words the shorter practice tasks will zip by.