We have a DD9 who insisted on choosing her own clothes when she was 3 mos old, so giving her a voice and a vote on a wide array of issues has been a survival mechanism for us as parents. If we didn't, I'm pretty sure she'd be plotting to destroy us. Instead, she's mostly happy to work with us.

When it comes to something big and life changing like schooling decisions, we do encourage our DD to weigh in with her perspectives, and we do take them into account. But we always let her know that DW and I will be the ones to make the decision. We don't want her putting an unnecessary burden of responsibility on herself if the decision doesn't work out for the best... it's OUR fault, not hers. If we're homeschooling her, and DW is having a suboptimal day, we don't want DD thinking, "OMIGOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!" This reaction would be very typical of her, but we generally wouldn't burden any young child with this sort of thing, regardless of individual personality.

DD is in public school again, and infrequently says she'd prefer to be homeschooled, but at the moment the positives in her school experience outweigh the negatives.