We've discussed the pros and cons of various schooling situations (most recently private vs homeschooling vs partial homeschooling in private), and explained that they have to be on-board for any particular setting to work. And what on-board will look like, behaviorally. Their long-term happiness, growth as human beings, and relationship with their parents are also explicitly higher priorities than academic advancement. We explain our reasoning, ask for input, collaborate on potential solutions, but ultimately make the decisions.

ETA: We also don't close the door on changing settings mid-year.

I think it's worth considering that some children at some stages would be overburdened by the responsibility of making the decision. I find that the shift in responsibility takes place gradually, during the collaborative part of decision-making, as input transforms from expressing feelings, to opinions, to reasons, to presenting a proposal.

Last edited by aeh; 10/17/14 01:38 PM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...